Hello blog, how I've missed you. Over the weekend, I decided to casually read some of my old posts, and it bothered me that I haven't written anything on this blog in nearly 6 years. I have no idea if anyone is still reading it, but I also decided that I have to go back to writing it, and there is a two-word reason why - running selfie.
Yes, I know that if I played word association with you, you wouldn't quite get 'Running Selfie' from Judo blog, so here's the connection. While I haven't been making it to the dojo consistently in a while, I have been able to go running. Every day that I run - right after my run ends, I take a selfie. Its not about sharing on facebook or instagram (although I sometimes do that), but rather its a way of reminding myself that a) I worked out b) I was happy and tired afterward and c) as my body changes from getting back into shape, it reminds me of what I looked like a year ago - kind of my own personal before and after.
Logging my workouts, and the selfies helps me keep up the consistency. If I look at my run-logging app, and I've had no entries in a few days, then I know it's time to work out. With all of the Judo inconsistency, I thought about how much my blogging helped me keep Judo in my mind, and how much writing about it helped my Judo. So I've decided to write about it again. I am not quite sure how this goes, or where it goes, but I know that writing will help me keep consistent and on the forefront.
As to where I've been - there is an old Yiddish Proverb - Man Plans, G-d Laughs. I could list out all of the reasons why I haven't blogged or why I've been inconsistently practicing Judo, but all of them are excuses, no matter how legitimate they are. I'm sure that some more of them will creep up into this blog over time.
Thanks for reading!
Can't wait to read more. Welcome back.